What a Great Reward!!
make yourself a member, make yourself among the minorities to the religion of the mighty God, speak about the (Hijab) to the girls such as yourself.Don’t refuse marriage if a man comes, just search for two important basic things which are (1) religion and (2) morals. These two are the ways to joy and happiness for the person in the married life. The only things that you have to search for are these two…
You shouldn’t care about his nationality or his salary or start counting the dowry that he is going to give you. It is mentioned in the Hadith: “A bad omen for the woman, is her expensive dowry.”#
Do not bring the excuses such as I had to finish my education, or any other invalid excuses that may bring tortuous life for you and your husband. The mighty God may not be satisfied with such an action.
Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) said: “If a man with two traits, (likeable to you) his morals and religion, came to you, for marriage… grant him the marriage… if you didn’t, it will be a disturbance in this land, and a great disorder.” (11)#
Marriage is the golden nest, it comforts you and makes you happy. It is a prevention from corruption and moral deviation.
The mighty God did not create the woman to live in isolation, where she lives in solitude and loneliness. He created her to live side by side with a husband and form a family, so the life cycle will go on, and the woman will become the mother for the next generations.
Delaying marriage is wrong and could be dangerous, so beware. Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) said, “O ye people, to me came Gabrial from the mighty kind and experience saying: virgins are like fruits on a tree, if they became ripe and was not harvested it becomes ruined by the Sun and wind. The same are virgins if they reached what reaches the woman, there is no cure but marriage, otherwise there is no security from corruption because they are humans.”
Then a man stood up and said, “To whom should we marry (O) messenger of Allah? The prophet (Peace be upon him) answered, among the fit ones.”
The man asked, O messenger of Allah and who are the fitted ones?”
The prophet answered: “The believers, some of them are fit for each other.” (12)#
Therefore if the one coming to ask for marriage was deviant or with ill morales such as if he did not pray or drank liquor (God forbid) or any other misconduct, then refuse him with no hesitation. Do not be cheated by their fake words, or actions, or looks or unimportant matters such as money position, or a job… etc.
Living alone in this case is much better than marriage if there was a deviation in the man’s religion or his morals or his behavior, even if he was or had a high position.
Pray and ask the mighty God for a dignified, religious young man to ask for your hand in marriage. Pray ask for a man that has beauty in his face, has heart and has morals, and the mighty God will answer your prayer as he said in (The Believer) Al-Moamin, verse 60, “…Call upon me, I will answer you…”
Husbands Duties
Husbands have responsibilities, which are very important and yet very dangerous as well. He is responsible for both his own and his wife’s behaviors and actions. The mighty God made men the upholders of women as he said in the Quron in Sorat An-Nisa (The Women), Verse 34,
“Men are the upholders (Maintainers) of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of the property.”
Also in Sorat Al-Tahreem (The Prohibition), Verse 6, the mighty God said; “O you who believe! Save yourselves and your family a fire who’s fuel is men and stones.”
He must convince his wife to wear the (Hijab) Veil. If she is not wearing the veil, he must bring her all the necessary evidence so that she will be convinced and she will wear the (Hijab) veil fully, understanding the greatness of this Islamic law.
If he could not prove this to her or if she didn’t become convinced due to lack of evidence, then he could take her to a religious scholar so he can explain the philosophy of the Hijab and its importance. Or he could give her a book or a cassette tape discussing this subject.
Given advice to his son, Mohammed Ben Al-Hanfeya, Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) said: “To be strict about ones wife wearing hijab is better for the man and wife than to doubt her actions. Also going out is no better than you introducing them to the un-trustworthy and if you could; make them know no one but you” (13). *
In other words, do not introduce them to men, or vise versa because that may corrupt them. He shouldn’t go to mixed singing or dancing parties, put her as far away from them as possible because that will corrupt their morals; it may take their shame away; and may put her honor in danger.
The husband that calls for his wife to be (Sofoor) unveiled, or he orders her to go to cinemas or mixed parties is a traitor. He is a disloyal man to his wife, because he is calling her to the path of deviation and corruption. He may be the first to pay the price and see the punishment when she becomes unfaithful to him. Among many, she may have an illegal affair with another man.
He should be distanced and as far away from the house of corruption as possible, so he can live peacefully, and live within God’s boundaries, where there is peace and tranquility. They should live with God’s rules, be careful from any form of deviation. They should pay attention and know that because women are emotional and as a sweet basil she may ask or demand what could be against God’s wishes. At this point he should explain to her and make her forget about what she asked for. He should not obey her when it conflicts with God’s obedience or God’s regulations, because the Hadith said, “there should be no obedience to any creature when it conflicts with the creator’s disobedience.”#
Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) said, “Whoever obeys his wife, God throws him in the hell fires on his face.” They asked: what is this obedience? He (Peace be upon him) said: “asking him to go to swimming pools, showers, parties and wear the thin clothes.” (14)#
So the husband should not allow his wife to go to swimming pools where she may be seen or mixed parties, theatres or cinemas. He should not allow her to wear thin clothes in front of “foreign men”. Because it may bring corruption and God does not permit that.
He is also supposed to be jealous for his wife and family, the virtue of jealousy will become a powerful inner feeling that prevents many atrocities. If a man doesn’t have jealousy toward his wife (that means if another person looked at his wife or family an evil look, he will not be moved) he will not prevent what may come . The other person may be encouraged into more flirtatious acts, and may cause a disaster. If a person was jealous for his family and wife, he will be upset from the first “wrong look” at his wife, his daughter, or sister, and he will prevent further action by the person who is looking the look of sin. That is why Imam Jafar As-Sadeq (Peace be upon him) said, “The mighty God likes every person who is jealous for his family and because the mighty he is jealous, he forbid the bad deeds, whether public or secret.” (15)#
Jealousy may have more than one meaning, the meaning being used here is the person who is protective of his family and prevents others from reaching his family, or acting toward them with bad manners.
Because of jealousy, he forbids corruption, whether it is obvious or if it is hidden. Therefore, a person should have this virtue and he should nourish it also so that it could grow in the right way. Because this trait will save his family and daughters and prevent them from deviation, and (Sofoor) unveiling, will bring evil towards them, as well as bringing the mighty God’s anger upon him and them. Imam As-Sadeq (Peace be upon him) said: “Paradise is forbidden to be entered by the (Deyowth) Un jealous.”
Deyowth- Not jealous, the one who is apathetic about his family, he doesn’t care if she beautifies herself for other men and goes unveiled outside and he doesn’t order her to put on (Hijab) veil.
Also Imam As-Sadeq (P) said in another Hadith, “Three kind of people will not be looked at by the mighty God on Judgment Day, they will not be (Zaakat) blessed and they will have a great painful torture.”#
1-An old man who commits adultery
2-(Al-Deyowth)-explained previously
3-The woman who allows other men in her bed.” (16)#
Also it is this trait of jealousy that he will not allow his wife to go out with make up, and perfume, because that will put her honor in danger. It also puts his position in the society in jeopardy and has a disastrous ending.
Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) said, “Any man who knows and allows his wife to beautify herself and go out is (deywoth)… A woman, if she went out the houses door, beautified, perfumed, unveiled and her is in agreement, for every step that she takes a house will be built in the hell fire for her husband” (17). *
Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) also said in another Hadith, “Ten categories of my nation will not enter heaven unless they repent, and among them was (Al-Deyowth).”
A person asked, what is (Al-Deyowth)? He (Peace be upon him) said: “The one who does not feel jealousy for his family.”
On many occasions I have seen a man sitting in a restaurant eating with his wife without caring about her clothes or she caring about her veil.
You will probably see many of these in any park or public places, as a matter of fact, a restaurant’s manager told me once: “Some people refuse sitting and eating in the section specified for families in the restaurant and prefer sitting in the general area.”
Summon to you I say where is your jealousy?
It is recommended that an honorable husband should teach his wife Soorat An-Noor (The Light) and it’s explanation, because it has many verses related to the woman, she should know then so she can apply them in her life and live in decency and purity. Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) said: “Teach them (your wives) Soorat An-Noor (The Light) it has many advises.
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