Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)

Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)
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Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Destiny of the Unveiled Woman

The Destiny of the Unveiled Woman

What is the punishment of the unveiled woman and what is her destiny?  We know that the mighty God had setup certain punishments for certain disobedience and certain forbidden commitments. There is a punishment for the ones that leave their duties. So what is the punishment for the uncovered woman and what is her torture that the mighty God had set up for the one who chooses (sofoor) to unveil and take off the hijab?

The (Sofoor) act of being unveiled will bring damnation upon the woman, put her away from Gods blessings and mercy, and push her toward the tortures, punishment, and take her toward the hellfire and humility. This is what was clearly said by His Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) as mentioned in the Hadith:
“There will come at the end of the era men among my nation, their wives are clothed yet naked and their hair on their heads is like the heads of the curved thin camels so damn them, because they are damned, they will not smell heaven, although the smell (“scent”) of heaven can be found from a distance of 500 years.”
Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) said,  “At the end of time, close to the end of the hour (hour = the time prior to the appearance of the twelfth apostal and it is to be the most corrupted time) will appear women who are dressed yet seem naked, beautiful unveiled, and far away from the religion.  They will enter into seduction, lean toward desires, hurry toward fun, they allow commiting the forbidden, so they reside in the hell fire forever.”
In another Hadith from Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) pointing to the punishment of the unveiled woman, we may pick up parts of the following Hadith as such:
Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) said:  “One day as we, Fatema and I entered to see the messenger of Allah, Mohammed (Peace be upon him) we saw him crying, heavily in tears, so I said: May my father abd mother be sacrificed for you (an expression at that time to show great love and respect for someone) what made you cry?  He (peace be upon him) answered O Ali, that night when I was ascended to the heavens, I saw the women of my nation in great torture, denying their position that they were in, I cried heavily for what I saw of their torture. The Prophet (P) started talking about what he saw the night of ascention, among what he said was,  I found a woman that was hanging by her hair with her brain boiling in her head.  Then I found another woman hanging by her tongue and melted metal was being poured down her throat.  I found another woman eating her own flesh and fire was burning and coming out of her bottom.  I found a woman whose hands were tied to her legs and snakes and scorpions were sent towards her.  Then I found a woman who was deaf, dumb, and blind in a cascade of fire with her brain pouring out of her nose and her body was cut with leprosy.  And I saw a woman whose flesh was being cut with cutters.
The lady Fatema to Zzahraa asked her father (Peace be upon them):   Tell me what was their deeds (in their lifetimes) that mighty God put them in such a consequence.

He (P) said:  “O daughter, the one that was hanging by her hair is because she was not covering her hair from men.  The one that was eating her own flesh is because she was beautifying her body for the people.
The one that her hands were tied to her legs and scorpions and snakes were sent toward her was because she was dirty in her prayer (abolution), her clothes were dirty, and she was not performimg shower abolution (Ghusul) for (Janabah) the religious shower after sex or the abolution from the menstrual cycle (monthly period) and she was taking her prayers lightly.
The deaf, dumb, and blind woman was tortured because she was commiting adultery while married and putting the child (if becoming pregnant) on her husband’s name.
The women who were being cut (her body being cut with cutters) was because she was putting her body at men’s sexual disposal.” … ending the Hadith.
In this Hadith you see an illustration of several types of torture for women who were (Saferah) unveiled.  These tortures, such as being hanged by the hair with the brain boiling, in a very painful way, fire was burning her up from her sides and limbs mean that every unveiled woman must meet this torturous painful punishment… Unless she repents and asks forgiveness, for the days of being unveiled and she decides to put on the (Hijab) veil completely, then the mighty Allah will forgive and pardon her. In the Quron the mighty God said in sorat Al-Shura (the council), verse 25 “And he it is who accepts repentance from his servants and pardons the evil deeds and he knows what you do.”

In another place in Ta Ha, verse 82, the mighty Allah said, “And surly I am most forgiving to him who repents and believes and does good then continues to follow the right direction.”
Truthful was Allah, the most high, the great.    

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