Dear Muslim Sisters
Here are some hints and advices, a picture that is painted by the mighty Allah for you, so you can have the happiness is this life and the hereafter.
They are instructions that will take you to the highest degree of virtues, dignity, honor and faith. It will guarantee the blessings and advancements, if you guarantee to apply it.
The top advice is the (Hijab) veil. This veil is like a safety Protection. Veil is like a shield that protects you from deviations, spoiling and corruption, and veil will prevent you from falling into sadness and torture. It is the obstacle that keeps the people from reaching you.
Veil (Hijab) is the message of the mighty Allah to you, so obey him and follow the orders, it is for your own good, your benefit, and for your protection.
Your creator is mighty and very compassionate with you, he does not want to hurt your happiness. Therefore, he said in the Quran, Soorat Al-Ahzab (Allies), verse 33, “And do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore”…Also in Noor (light) Vs. 31: “And let them wear head covering over their bosoms and not to display their ornaments”.
So obey and don’t deviate from his orders so you will not be facing destruction.
Womens value is in her religiousness, shame and chastity. To her, (Hijab) veil should be her highness, beauty and awe.
Gods “Rothwan” satisfaction goes through the (Hijab) veil so don’t deviate from it, go through the way, so you will be in the mighty Allah’s (Rothan), don’t be in his displeasure, and then you will loose the paradise.
The way to the mighty Gods torture and the hell fire is through (Sofoor) being veiled. Don’t attempt to go that way because you will fall deep inside.
“The woman is like a sweet basil and not a bull fighter”, as the prince of the believers, Imam Ali (Peace be upon him) had put it.
Therefore, you should know your limits and you should appreciate yourself and not leave your body and beauty to anyone but your husband. Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him), in a hadith describing a worthy, suitable woman, said “The one who unveils and beautifies herself for her husband, protects herself from others, she listens to him and obeys him, and if they became alone she gives him what he wants from her…” (6).#
So cover yourself from “foreign man”, and do it Islamic ally, the way that the mighty God ordered, in accordance with your personality. Don\t show your beauty to the public and do not make yourself like a piece of merchandise that are put in the market and stores.
Do not use make up, lipstick, perfumes and other beauty items except for your husband and close (Mohram) relatives. Mohram = The ones that can see the woman unveiled; they are considered the father, the brother, the uncle, son and husband and the ones permitted by the religion.
Beware of using it outside the house because it may cause you a great danger, attack, and may place upon you the anger of the mighty Allah and his damnation.
Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him and his family), said: “Any woman that uses perfume and goes out of her house, she will be damned until she is back to her house whenever she returns.” (7).#
The honorable chastised women will avoid anything that brings man’s attention toward her; opposite to the cheap women, she will do anything to pull their attention. Among that wearing high heeled shoes, the ones that sound like a horse’s hoof bringing so much noise. These shoes are against women’s decency and modesty. These shoes are like a sign or a whistle that informs men, saying there is a woman coming! Therefore, you will see many men, if they hear woman’s shoes (if they were deviant) go back to look at her. Do you think this is a sign of a descent or modest woman?
Besides these shoes are colonial, they came from the land of blasphemy, and vices to our Islamic countries, whether you had a feeling about it or not. These shoes were imposed upon you and penetrated your culture.
Do not imitate men in their clothes, be independent in your femininity and feminine life.
Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) said, “Damned are the women who imitate and look like men and damned are the men who imitate and look like women” (8).#
Do not shake hands with a “foreign (not Mohram) man” even if he was the son of an uncle or aunt. If a man extend his hand for a handshake, apologies and say: “My Lord and my religion forbid me to shake hand… and don’t care if he became mad and upset, because God’s satisfaction is by far more important than the satisfaction of people, and also God’s anger is by far more dangerous than people’s anger”.
It is mentioned, in the (Hadith), among the gospel that the mighty God had spoken to the prophet, Essa “Jesus” (Peace be upon our prophet, his family and him) by saying, “O Essa if I became angry with you, no satisfaction, of a man no matter whoever he is, will be beneficial to you, and if I am satisfied with you, no anger no matter from whoever it is, is going to be harmful to you.” (9)#
Veil (Hijab) is not shame, so hold on to it very strongly and very bravely, even if your family does not put the (Hijab) veil on. If you are in a society or a school filled with unveiled women, be strait and tuff in holding the hijab. The mighty God in Sorat Al-Hud (Hud), verse 112, said:
“Continue then in the right way as you are commanded…”. Also in fosselat (Ha Mim) verse 30, said:
“(As for) those who say: Our Lord is Allah, then continue in the right way, the angels descend upon them saying fear not, nor be grieved, and receive good news of the garden which you were promised.”
Do not pay attention to the ironic ones, men or women, and you can answer them by the Quran, sorat Al-Qassass (The Narrative) verse 60, “…And whatever is with Allah is better and more lasting; do you not then understand?”.
Be proud of your Hijab because you are obeying the mighty Gods orders, the one that set the laws by his wisdom. Also because you will have great rewards for every step taken and these rewards never fade away, just read these two verses. Hud, verse 38 in the Quran, “…He said if you laugh at us, surly we too” laugh at you as you laugh (at us)”
And in Towbah (Repentance), Verse. 72. “…and best of Allah<s goodly pleasure….”.
Whereas the women with no veil (Safersh) will carry sins and disobedience every step of the way she takes. Self confidence, I am sure that I will not go astray and I will not fall. Do I still have to be veiled?
The answer is definitely yes. Because the Hijab is a religious duty, with no exceptions as to whether you have self confidence or not. Self confidence alone is not enough because as Allah quoted in the Quron Yusuf verse 53. “And I do not declare myself free, most surly (mans) self is wont to command (him to do) evil, except such as my Lord has had mercy on, …”
And how many young girls were so sure of themselves, then slipped into bad behavior and sin, due to being unveiled (sofoor). Besides the (sofoor) may cause sexual excitement for others which may lead into sins and immoral behavior, isn’t that permissible?
Also this (sofoor) being unveiled may cause others to sexually harass you or worse than that – God forbid- may cause you to be raped, - would your self confidence help to prevent this from happening?
Do not be cheated by the slogans. The enemies of Islam are fighting Islamic Hijab in many ways, among them these wrong slogans, chantings, and empty words. You should be very careful; don’t follow these shiny words and don’t be cheated by them. Do you drink poison that has been mixed with sweets or honey? Do not sell yourself, also do not sell your religion, honor, or dignity to God’s enemies. Be a strong muslim woman in action and words… leave the western words and its corruption, disvour and disown them, deny their immoral propaganda and the advertisement that is aimed at the destruction of societies and aimed at the corruption of Islam, and know that the advancement is in (Hijab) the veil.
To them it is an obstacle (as they say). Also know that civilized societies are the ones that apply the Islamic laws and legislations, which among them is the Hijab. Know also that shame and unhappiness follow the laws that oppose Islam and among them is (Sofoor) unveil.
Call for the (Hijab) veil and explain its philosophy and its wisdom to your friends and relatives, in the school, at the university, at work at department stores or in any other place or occasion, and in all aspects of your life. Being a missionary for Islam is not only the responsibility of a man, but also the responsibility of woman as well, and also the responsibility of all the different levels of people in the society. The Hadith said,
“All of you are shepards and all are responsible for their herd.”
It is mentioned in the history that the lady Fatema to Zzehraa (Peace be upon her) was explaining and teaching the legislative laws of Islam to a group of women in the holy city of Madina. Also the great Zainab (Peace be upon her), the daughterb of Imam Ali (Peace be upon him), was teaching the “tafseer” exogeisus of the Quran in the city of Koofa.
Let me make you aware and let you know the reward that you will receive, if you could lead a girl or a woman toward (Hijab) the veil or lead her toward the straight path.
It is mentioned in the Hadith that, “The mighty God revealed to Prophet (Moses) Mosa, (Peace be upon him), “If you make an “Aabeq” return to my door or return the lost back to my courtyard it is better for you than a hundred years of worship, fasting the days and staying up all the nights in worship. Prophet Moses (P) said, Who is the “Aabeq” from your door? And the mighty lord answered: The run away sinner.” (10)#
The (Sofoor) unveiled woman is (Aabega) she is a sinner, (a run away from the laws of heaven). If she came back to the gardens of the religion, due to your advise and guidance, you will have the mentioned reward stated in the Hadith.
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