Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)

Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Quran And Hijab

"Hijab A Joy Not Torture"

Quran  and Hijab

The Quran is strongly anchored on this law and has ascertained in several verses :- among these verses , is
Verse 59 in al Ahzab (allies) where you will read
“O Prophet! Say to your Wives And Your daughters  and the women of belivers that they let down upon them their over-garments ; this will be more proper , that they may be known , and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful ”
In this holy Verse God Orders his Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.s.) to order his wiives , daughters and the wives of other zealous muslims , to cover fully under  veil.
It is mentioned in some of the “Tafseers “  (the explanation of the Quran or also called Exigeses), that the reason that Allah sent this verse was because some of the women were going to the mosque to pray behind Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.s.). at night for Maghrib and Esha prayers ,  the young boys were sitting on road bothering the women, teasing  and flirting with them..
Therefore, this verse was descended on the Prophet  (s.a.w.s.) to Order the women to fully cover  in Islamic Veil So No One would Bother Them.
This is why The Mighty God said,
“O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters…..”

In chapter An-Noor (the light) , verse 31, it says:
“And say to the believing women that they cast down there looks and guard their private parts and do not display theire ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings ….….  ”
This Verse  is showing us the importance of Hijab and this Wise Law should be obeyed more, and should be implemented more by Prophets Family (pbuh&hf) than any other people.
It is the moslems Womens duty to obey their mighty lord and put on Hijab (veil) that assures her cleanliness , chastisity , dignity, secures her from evil eyes of hypocrites and the traders who look wiyh the eye of sin.
This Islamic veil will become like a curtain that covers the womens beauty from the people of sin and misconduct.

In Chapter Al-Ahzab verse 33you will read:
“and stay in your houses and do not display you finery like displaying of the ignorance of yore…”
So here is clear indication to stay at home and not go out unveiled, uncovered Islamically or to adorn herself in front of “foreign men” (meaning “Na Mehram”)…which is forbidden.


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