Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)

Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dua'a-e-Allahummah Asleh



O Allah! Reform conditions of Your servant and caliph with those means by which You have reformed conditions of Your messengers and prophets. Surround him with the angels and support him with the Holy Spirit. Appoint protectors from the front and behind him, (those) who would guard him from all troubles and calamities. Convert his fear into security, (so that) he may worship only You and doesn't associate anybody with You. Do not make any of Your creatures an authority over Your vicegerent. Permit him to fight against Your enemies and his enemies and include me among his helpers. Surely You possess power over everything.

Quran And Hijab

"Hijab A Joy Not Torture"

Quran  and Hijab

The Quran is strongly anchored on this law and has ascertained in several verses :- among these verses , is
Verse 59 in al Ahzab (allies) where you will read
“O Prophet! Say to your Wives And Your daughters  and the women of belivers that they let down upon them their over-garments ; this will be more proper , that they may be known , and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful ”
In this holy Verse God Orders his Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.s.) to order his wiives , daughters and the wives of other zealous muslims , to cover fully under  veil.
It is mentioned in some of the “Tafseers “  (the explanation of the Quran or also called Exigeses), that the reason that Allah sent this verse was because some of the women were going to the mosque to pray behind Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.s.). at night for Maghrib and Esha prayers ,  the young boys were sitting on road bothering the women, teasing  and flirting with them..
Therefore, this verse was descended on the Prophet  (s.a.w.s.) to Order the women to fully cover  in Islamic Veil So No One would Bother Them.
This is why The Mighty God said,
“O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters…..”

In chapter An-Noor (the light) , verse 31, it says:
“And say to the believing women that they cast down there looks and guard their private parts and do not display theire ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings ….….  ”
This Verse  is showing us the importance of Hijab and this Wise Law should be obeyed more, and should be implemented more by Prophets Family (pbuh&hf) than any other people.
It is the moslems Womens duty to obey their mighty lord and put on Hijab (veil) that assures her cleanliness , chastisity , dignity, secures her from evil eyes of hypocrites and the traders who look wiyh the eye of sin.
This Islamic veil will become like a curtain that covers the womens beauty from the people of sin and misconduct.

In Chapter Al-Ahzab verse 33you will read:
“and stay in your houses and do not display you finery like displaying of the ignorance of yore…”
So here is clear indication to stay at home and not go out unveiled, uncovered Islamically or to adorn herself in front of “foreign men” (meaning “Na Mehram”)…which is forbidden.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dua-e-Ahad video


Imam Sadiq (a.s) narrates that “one who recites this supplication for 40 mornings; he will be accounted amongst the helpers of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s). And if he happens to die before the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s), Allah will raise him up from his rave so that he may assist the holy Imam (a.t.f.s).For every word that he recites in this supplication, Allah will grant him 1000 good deeds and will erase from his scroll of deeds 1000 sins”.

As the title suggests, this supplication is of allegiance (ahad) to the holy Imam (a.t.f.s). Its recitation every morning ensures the renewal of this covenant. The reciter finds himself under the leadership of Imam (a.t.f.s).The reciter beseeches All to include him among the helpers and aides of Imam (a.t.f.s) and to grant him the opportunity to attain martyrdom in his presence. Also, he requests Allah that should he die before the reappearance of Imam (a.t.f.s). Allah should raise him up from his grave so that he may assist him (a.t.f.s) in his mission. 

There is a fervent appeal to Allah to grant him the honour of seeing Imam (a.t.f.s). In this there is also an acknowledgement that the difficulties of this nation can be solved only by the reappearance of Imam (a.t.f.s) and that believers see it as being close while others deem it to be distant


Dua'a Ahad

O Allah! Lord of the Great Light, Lord of the Elevated Throne, Lord of the tumultuous seas, and the revealer of the Tawrah, Injeel, and Zaboor, Lord of the shadows and the warmths, And the revealer of the Great Quran. Lord of the proximate angels and prophets and messengers. O Allah I beseech thee, for the sake of Your Nobel Visage. And for the sake of Your Enlightening Visage, and Your ever existing kingdom. O Ever Living! O Controller! I beseech Thee in Your Name which lits the heavens and the earths; and in Your Name, by which the ancient and the latter ones become upright. O Ever living who has before every living being. O Ever Living Who shall (exist) after every living being. O Ever Living Who existed when there was no life. O Giver of life to dead. O One Who causes death to the living one. O Ever Living. There is no god except Thou. O Allah send our master the leader, the guide, the guided, the upriser with Your command. Blessings of Allah be on him and his pure forefathers from all the believing men and believing women. In the easts of the earth and it's wests, in its plains and its mountains, its lands and its seas, from me and my parents. Blessings, which are the weight of Allah's throne and ink of His words, and whatever His knowledge enumerates and His book encompases. O Allah renew for him my covenant, pledge and allegiance on my neck in the morning of this day of mine and whatever days (of my life) I live. I shall never turn away from it nor let it ever vanish. O Allah appoint me among his helpers, aides, and his protectors. Those who hasten to fulfill his commands and obey his orders. Those who are his supporters and compete with each other to (fulfill) his intention and seek martyrdom in his presence. O Allah! If death occurs between me and him (before the reappearance) (death) which you have made obligatory and decreed for your servants, then raise me from my grave, wrapped in my shroud, my sword unsheathed, my spear bared, answering the call of the caller in cities as well as deserts. O Allah! Show me the rightly guided face of (Imam a.s.), the praiseworthy moon (referring to the face of Imam a.s.) and enlighten my vision by looking at him. And hasten his reappearance, make his arrival smooth, vasten his path, make me tread on his way and implement his authority and strengthen his back. O Allah inhabit Your cities through him and give life to Your servants due to him for surely You have said and Your word is truth, "Corruption will become rampant in land and on sea because of the evil which men's hand have earned" Then O Allah manifest for us Your slave and the son of Your Prophet's daughter, whose name is the same as that of Your messenger, so that nothing from falsehood is victorious except that he tears them (falsehood) to pieces, establishes the truth and the truth confirms him. And O Allah! Appoint him as a refuge for Your oppressed servants and a helper for the one who does not find any helper for himself except You and the renewer of all the laws of Your book which have been tampered with and the rebuilder of the science of Your religion and the traditions of Your Prophet (peace of Allah be on him and his progeny) and O Allah! make him among those whom you have protected from the evils of the adversaries. O Allah! and provide joy to Your Prophet Mohammed (peace be on him and his progeny) by his vision and (the vision of) the one who follows him on his call and have mercy on our poverty after his arrival O Allah remove his sorrow (of occultation) from this nation with his presence and hasten for us his reappearance. They (the disbelievers) consider it to be distant while we consider it to be near. For the sake of Your mercy, O the most Merciful of all Mercifuls.

Then one should gently strike his right thigh with his palm and say.

Hasten! Hasten! O my Master, O Master of the era.

Effects of Music on the Nervous System


Effects of Music on the Nervous System


The biologists and the life scientists have defined two types of nerves. They are the principal nerves and the arterial nerves. The principal nerves stretch from the neck to all vital organs. The arterial nerves spread from the main nerves to all parts of the body. The secondary nerves are connected to outward parts of the body and convey the messages to the brain. When the veins enlarge the blood pressures decreases. Due to the shrivelling of blood vessels, the blood pressure increases. When the blood pressure varies at different parts of the body it affects the health.

When the secondary nerves work they produce heat whereas the functioning of the central nerves produces the opposite effect. That is due to these nerves, feelings of sloth, sleep, thoughtlessness, forgetfulness, grief and sorrow, fainting, unconsciousness and even death occurs. Obviously, when music could affect the various nerves, it would give rise to various maladies. Mental diseases as well as physical ailments will be caused. The mental effect would destroy his reasoning capacity. It is for this reason that one who listens to music is unable to perform the work that could be accomplished by a sane person.

Music creates vibration in the body and this is conveyed to all the parts of the body through the nervous system. As a result of it, indigestion occurs. Music affects the heart in such a way that the heartbeats becomes irregular. The blood pressure goes awry. All such ailments make a person permanently ill. 

Consequently, even the modern medical science, in spite of its astonishing progress, fails in such a situation. Sometimes, the music is so intense that the listener loses his sanity. He becomes dumb and various kinds of mental diseases occur. In places, where music is more prevalent, we find that there are more neurotic illnesses. It is for this reason that most of the mental hospitals are to be found in Europe and America

Dr. Adlen writes against music, "Even though it seems pleasant, the effect of music is profound upon the nervous system. Specially, when the temperature is high, the ill-effect of music is more. This is the reason that ill-effects of music are more in the hot areas of
Iran and Saudi Arabia. The American people are so disgusted with the bane of music that they have united to demand from the senate a permanent ban on music. It is a pity that the whole world perceives the evils of music yet is adopting it as entertainment."

[ (Refer to the booklet; "Tasir Mausiqi bar Asaab" Pg. 3, 6, 10). Extract from the Book " Greater Sins" by Shaheed Dasgahib ]

A True Incident
An excise officer in Meerut (UP) relates an interesting incident in regard to the effect of music on nervous system. He says:" I was leading a normal life, it was simple and peaceful. 

One of the quality I had, that I never enjoyed music nor it had any effect on me. It so happened, that one day I met with an accident. It was so serious that I had to be operated. The blood was needed and it was arranged easily. The donour was available. After few days, I found a change in my body and temperament. I realised that I was reacting on music. Sometimes through tapping my foot on the rhythms and ofcourse enjoying. This change in my attitude made me think that how this sudden interest in music has developed. What is the reason. I doubted that may it be through the transfusion of the blood. I was curious to know. I consulted my doctor and insisted that he finds out who was the blood donour. It was easier to the doctor. He informed me that the blood was donated by a dancer. From that day I was convinced that the music does affect the nervous system.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011




Until the Imperialists invaded Muslim Countries and the Muslims started mixing with non-believers, all our Muslim women walked in this world with great respect and dignity. The non-believers were finding it very difficult to come anywhere near the border of our Muslim sisters purity. The Hijab (Islamic dress for women) did not only protect them from those evil eyes of non-believers but also gave them freedom and independence from being misused by them.

The non-believers planned to destroy their barrier through removal of Hijab (Hejab, Hijaab) and unfortunately, many of our sisters, without realizing what shame and destruction they were bringing to themselves, removed the Hijab (Muslim Veil) and exposed themselves.

When imperialists invaded
China, they were not faced with Hijab but were confronted with other obstacles and the Chinese refused to co-operate with them. In order to crush this resistance, the imperialists flooded China with opium and made it available to the Chinese free of charge. Once the Chinese were addicted, free distribution of opium ceased and it was given only to those who fulfilled their demands.

Removal of the Hijab had exactly the same effect. At one time, you were independent and lived with dignity, but now you are nothing but a slave of your evil desire and behave worse than a Kafir (infidel). By removing your Hijab (An Act of Faith), you have destroyed your faith. Islam means submission to Allah (SWT) in all our action. Those who refused submission cannot be called Muslims. Allah (SWT) states in Holy Qur'an: "And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or those whom their right hands possess, or the male servants not having need (of women), or the children who have not attained knowledge of what is hidden of women; and let them not strike their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may be known; and turn to Allah all of you, O believers! So that you may be successful." Holy Qur'an (24:31)

Also, Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) says: Modesty is the symbol of faith and whoever has no modesty (Hijab), has no religion.

There are many sisters who have failed to understand the actual meaning of Hijab.

To observe proper Hijab is to dress up oneself modestly and appropriately covering all parts of body except face and forearms, without showing one's figure or curves and without using any sort of make-up.

Allah (SWT) has given equal rights to both men and women; He forbids either sex claiming supremacy over the other.

Allah (SWT) states in Holy Qur'an: "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)." Holy Qur'an (49:13)

Hijab is one of the righteous deeds and it is a sign of honor and equality with men and stands as a shield of protection against evil man.

The woman in Islam is bestowed with respect and honour and a Muslim gives great importance to his wife. Our Holy Prophet Muhammad's (saw) Hadith says the best of you are those who are best in resting their wives.

The status of wife is so respectable that she is not bound to do any house-hold work unless she does it willingly and with affection; but if her husband forces her to do any work; he will have to answer to Allah (SWT) for his conduct. Also, she is not bound to earn and maintain the house of her husband. Her work shall always conform to the laws of Islam (Shariat). Unlike the Western world, the Muslim wife is a queen in her husband's house. The first thing a husband does for his wife is to provide a servant and a cook according to his ability and when she becomes a mother, she receives greatest respect from her husband. Contrary to this, is considered a sin by Allah (SWT).

One of the most common phrases in Islam is the '
Paradise lies at the feet of the mother'. And Allah (SWT) states in Holy Qur'an: "And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but Him, and goodness to your parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, say not to them (so much as) "Ugh" nor chide them, and speak to them a generous word." Holy Qur'an (17:23)

Allah (SWT) has given great impedance to women and for that reason He orders their children to address them in terms of honor.

What kind of dignity a non-believer has by the way; they conduct their life and expose themselves. They have removed the shield of protection, that modesty of Hijab and left themselves unprotected and that is the cause for the assault, which takes place once every ten seconds in rape and murder around the world. But those true Muslims who observe proper Hijab are protected from such assaults and not one ease or this type is ever heard of.

Moreover Hijab also gives the women an air of authority, dignity and respect, which a non-believer can never claim to possess. Only those who are well behaved can expect admiration and high esteem from others and definitely, those who try to attract men can never be called a well-behaved person.

Those who reject Hijab and wish to attract men are suffering from inferiority complex. They believe men are superior and in order to overcome this feeling, they use their feminine charms. But why should a Muslim woman have such a feeling when she is fully aware of her equality with men?

Hijab, therefore, has such benefits as a guard against any assault, equality with men, air of respect and honor and most important of all, obedience to Allah (SWT) which is equivalent to blood of martyr. Hijab requires women to avoid any sort of attraction to men.

We have many Muslims sisters who are more concerned to please themselves and their non-believer friends than Allah (SWT). Let us not forget the purpose of our existence, which is to cultivate love and affection for Allah in our heart and not for anything else. How can we create that love when we disobey Him? Adoration and affection come from the heart and those who truly love Allah (SWT) will not do anything contrary to this.

Some of our sisters come up with the excuse that the non-believers laugh at them if they observe Hijab and they feel degraded. They may laugh for a little while but after some time, they will have no choice but to respect the Muslim women observing Hijab for their discipline and principles which could not be shaken by their little laugh.

Let us not forget the famous phrase: He who laughs last laughs the longest.

A Muslim sister lives for the future and not for the day; we can all look forward to be in Heaven for believing and obeying Allah (SWT).

Hijab is one of the commandments of Allah (SWT). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said that those women who do not observe proper Hijab are blatantly defying the commandment of Allah (SWT). Ahlul Bayt (as) suffered hardships and offered unparalleled sacrifices to bring original Islam to us. Discarding Hijab puts their sacrifices in vain. And the pleasure of Allah (SWT) is the greatest bliss. But for those who disobeyed, what punishment is awaiting them but Hell-Fire!

What successful women have to say about Hijab (Islamic dress for women)?
It is amazing the way things changed overnight when I started on with Hijab. I can feel the extra respect coming my way. People take me more seriously; friends at college think it looks very neat and smart, and I feel protected and confident when I step out. Dr. Mrs. N.Z.Vakil (Medical Student)

The most important thing about Hijab is that it gives you an identity of a Muslim. Moreover, it is another way of obedience to Allah's (SWT) command. People often gives me due respect which I would have not got without a Hijab. Traveling among men has become easy for me as it makes me feel safe and protected. It also gives me a lot of confidence and last but not the least this has brought me one step closer to Allah (SWT). Therefore, I consider Hijab as a blessing from Allah (SWT) and I thank him for His blessing. Reshma Qazi (Arts Student)

The Angel of Death, Azrael (Ezra'il) said: "Obedience to Allah's (SWT) Commandments is better than compassion to the earth". Initially I felt I would be looked down upon in society, but after wearing Hijab, I realized that people do not give you as much importance as you feel they should. The nearness, which I felt to Allah (SWT) by obeying His commandment, is beyond expression. Moreover wearing Hijab has created an aura of respectability in my environment and has enabled me to remember Allah (SWT) more often. Mrs.
S.A. Vakil (House Wife)

I feel that at present when demoralization is increasing in the society, every woman should wear Hijab, It is the only thing which protects a woman and makes her feel secured. Shenaz. F. Raj (College Student)

In the modern society of today, a woman has always been looked upon as just another sexual object for the men. Why should one display one's beauty for unwanted eyes to feast upon? The Hijab protects a woman's honor and doesn't arouse unwanted passion from the opposite sex. I feel if the women were to universally adopt the Islamic code of dressing (Islamic dress for women); the rate of incidences of eves teasing, molestation, rape, etc. would be negligible. Wearing the Hijab gives me more confidence in myself as a woman and it doesn't obstruct me in any way in my profession. Mrs. Salva I. Rasool (Graphic Designer)

The stylish coat can be worn in many different patterns; it loosely falls from the shoulders and reaches the knees. A loose long coat falling from the shoulders and reaching the ankles can also be worn with a scarf covering all the hair. The scarf can also have a veil attached to cover the total face (Niqab). A scarf covering the hair fully, can be worn along with a loose shirt falling till the knees as trousers. (Hair should not be seen from below the scarf). This Hijab commonly known as the "Chadar" is a single piece of material which falls from head and is draped on the shoulder. A scarf too can be worn inside it, to cover all the hair.
Hijab (Hejab, Hijaab): Hijab (Islamic dress for women) supplement
Allah (SWT) states in Holy Qur'an: "Not for (idle) sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between! If it had been Our wish to take (just) a pastime, We should surely have taken it from the things nearest to Us, if We would do (such a thing)." Holy Qur'an (

The above verse amply emphasizes the seriousness with which Allah (SWT) created this world and everything that exists therein, including the human beings. Allah (SWT) created us for a specific and important purpose and it is the duty of every Muslim to lead a disciplined life, realizing the seriousness of this purpose.

Human beings must distinguish themselves from animals by decent and disciplined behavior. But how many of us take this life with the seriousness it deserves? All of us originated from one father and one mother and belong to one big family, but it is unfortunate that many of us live without any sense of collective responsibility. We are one community and the action of one-person will not only reflect on other individuals but also the whole community.

In no other religion in the world is human life to be considered to be so sacred that one man's murder is considered to be the murder of the entire human race, and whoever saves a life it is as if he had saved the lives of all mankind.

Allah (SWT) states in Holy Qur'an: "For this reason did We prescribe to the children of
Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men." Holy Qur'an (5:32)

When Allah (SWT) commanded our sisters to observe Hijab, it was because of the universal damages that would be caused by refusing to observe it. It is not a matter of individual behavior, as many people may think. A woman going out exposing her charms attracts men, which sets off a chain of undesirable events, causing lot of harm to several people. Thus, the indecent behavior of one person affects the community as a whole. Although the person, who originally caused the damage, is to be blamed for all the consequences, other members of the community are also responsible to some extent for allowing such a thing to happen. Therefore, it becomes a collective responsibility of all of us to ensure that such damages are not caused.

For example, some people were sailing in a boat, which they jointly owned when one of them stated making a hole in the place which was allocated to him in the boat. When others tried to stop him, he argued that it was his part of the boat and he was free to do whatever he wished. But if he was allowed to continue, the boat would sink and all of them would be drowned.

Discarding Hijab will harm not only one's own self but also millions of others. Exposure of physical charm of our women may destroy many homes and cause innumerable rapes and murders for which we all are responsible.

It is pertinent to relate one of the several heart-breaking stories caused by discarding Hijab: A young innocent man, who saw the photograph of an attractive woman, was immediately infatuated by her physical charm. Unfortunately, he had neither wealth nor position to get closer to her. To fulfill his desire, he though of getting money quickly by any means and resorted to stealing.

Finally, he ended up in prison for robbing a few people and killing one.

Who is to be blamed for all the consequences but the person who caused them? Had that woman observed Hijab and refrained from displaying her attractions, these crimes would not have taken place.

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said that on the Day of Judgment, such people would be brought forward for trail on charges of quasi-crimes in which they had a share of responsibility. They would plead that they did not commit those crimes, but then they would be told that they removed their Hijab and attracted this person, which made him indulge in those crimes.

Allah (SWT) states in Holy Qur'an: "Except those who believe and do good and remember Allah much, and defend themselves after they are oppressed; and they who act unjustly shall know to what final place of turning they shall turn back." Holy Qur'an (26:227)

Liberation or Sexploitation
Look at the glossy cover of any magazine or advertisements on TV and newspaper, you will find that most of these advertisements have scantily dressed women in alluring poses to attract the attention of men. This proves that the Western society considers woman only as a sex symbol.

The liberation of women in Islam is far superior to Western liberation as it allows women to live with respect, dignity and equality in society.

Equality does not mean aping and behaving like men or dancing to their carnal tunes; that would be an act of inferiority in the face of one's own femininity.

A truly liberated woman always dresses decently and modestly. A true woman will never degrade her body and sell her dignity to the highest bidder. No woman is truly liberated if she is still the slave of her wayward conscience, bodily lust or infidelity.

However, in Islam, women, whatever their role as mothers, wives, sisters or daughters, command respect and have a constructive role to play in society. The Hijab itself gives an aura of freedom to the womankind, facilitating their movement and protecting them from provocation and wanton greed of the human wolves. Removal of the Hijab makes you vulnerable to the lust of men.

By removing your Hijab, you have destroyed your faith. Islam means submission to Allah (SWT) in all our actions. Those who refuse submission cannot be called Muslims.

What is Hijab? (Hijaab (Muslim Veil), Hejab (An Act of Faith), Islamic dress for women)
There are many sisters who have failed to understand the actual meaning of Hijab. Hijab technically means covering. Islam desires the preservation of social tranquility and familial peace. Hence, it asks women to cover themselves in their inter-actions with men, whom they are not related to.

Why is Hijab necessary? (Hijabs, Hijab Pictures, Hijab Girls, Hijabi Fashion)
The dangerous consequences of the Western culture of nakedness and permissiveness are before us. We should think twice before blindly trying to imitate Western life-styles.

How should women observe Hijab correctly?
Basically, the dress of ladies should cover the whole body except the face and hands (i.e. palms and fingers). Hair should not be exposed because Islam considers it as half of the total beauty of women. The Hijab could be of any form and color, a one-piece chader or a three-piece ensemble, as long as it is not tight fitting and does not attract people's attention.

Baseless objections against Hijab

Hijab seeks to imprison women: Those who feel that Hijab imprisons women should refrain from living in houses because it is nearer to a prison than Hijab.
Hijab subordinates women: In fact, culture, which promotes nakedness, takes people nearer to the culture of animals. Wearing the Hijab, on the contrary, liberates women from the trap of Western fashion and maladies. It gives them greater, rather than less freedom and mobility.
Why only women? Science has confirmed that visual stimulation plays a predominant role in the physiology of men compared to women. The fact that the sex-industry in the West is targeted towards the male-market confirms it.
Victims of Ridicule: Some of our sisters come up with the excuse that the non-believers laugh at them if they observe Hijab and they feel degraded. They may laugh for a little while but after some time they will have no choice but to respect the Muslim women observing Hijab for their discipline, which could not be shaken, by their little laughs.
Let us not forget the famous phrase: The one who laughs last laughs the longest.
Beauty is meant to be appreciated: True! But only by the husband. Hence women who truly love their husbands would never wish to be seen in public without Hijab.
What are the disadvantages of discarding Hijab?

Becoming an easy target of anti-social elements.
Causing great stresses, insecurity and suspicion in the minds of husbands, ultimately disturbing the familial harmony.
Instigating young people to deviate towards the path of lust and immorality.
Giving rise to cases of divorce, adultery, rape and illegitimate children.
What are the advantages of observing Hijab?

Confidence in social participation as human being and not as sexual commodity.
Guarding one self from the lustful looks of men.
Not diverting people's attention from constructive social work.
Improving the moral character of the society.
In conclusion, women can achieve true dignity and experience true emancipation by observing Hijab and not by discarding it.
Hijab (Modesty) is also for Muslim Men
"Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely Allah is Aware of what they do." Holy Qur'an (24:30)

To cast down one's glance, means not to look in a fixed way, not to stare. The sentence means, "Tell the believers not to stare at or flirt with women."

Allah (SWT) has given equal rights to both men and women; He forbids either sex claiming supremacy over the other. Allah (SWT) states in the Holy Qur'an: "The most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you." Holy Qur'an (49:13)

1,900 raped every day in America
Washington: Nearly 1,900 women are raped every day in America, according to a study released on Thursday that paints a much grimmer picture than US Justice Department figures announced earlier this week.

The National Victim Center, which promotes the rights of victims of violent crime, said 1.3 adult women are raped every minute and 683,000 US women are raped each year, based on a survey of more that 4,000 women, including 579 rape victims.

One in eight adult American women has been raped, bringing the total of rape victims to at least 12.1 million, it said.

The survey indicated that 61 per cent of all rape cases involve women under 18 and that 29 percent of all rapes occurred when the victim was less than 11 years old. Reuters (Source: MID-DAY Bombay 25-4-92).


Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Argues Muslims to Seek Knowledge

O my masters! O the sons (descendants) of the the Messenger of Allah!
I am your servant, the son of your bondwoman, I yield to you in submission,
I stand in awe of the sublimeness of your authority, I am fully aware of your rights,...


Imam al-Baqir(A.S.) Argues Muslims to Seek Knowledge

Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, talked very much about the importance of knowledge. He urged Moslems to seek knowledge, for it is the first pillar on which the lives of nations and peoples depend. He, peace be on him, praised the virtue of scholars, for they are the source of culture and guidance for the community. The following are some of what has been reported on his authority in this respect:

1. The Virtue of Knowledge
Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, glorified knowledge. He summoned Moslems to cling to it. He urged them to seek it. He lauded those who sought it. 
He said: "Learn, for learning is protection. Seeking knowledge is worship, studying it is glorification (of Allah), looking for it is jihad, teaching it (to others) is alms, and giving it to those who are appropriate for it is proximity (to Allah). 
Knowledge is the signpost of the garden. It is an intimate in lonesomeness, a companion in exile, a friend in estrangement, a guide to ease, a help against affliction, adornment with friends, and a weapon against enemies. By it Allah promotes some people to make them Ima`ms (leaders) for good. So, (people) follow their example and report their works. All wet and dry things, the whales and vermin of the see, and the animals and livestock of the land ask (Allah) to bless them.(Ibn Hamadun, al-Tadhkira, p. 26)
No words glorify knowledge, praise scholars, and embrace its fruits and advantages as these golden words do. Thus, they are worthy of writing in the institutes and universities of knowledge.

2. The Virtue of the Scholar
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, lauded the virtue of the scholar. He explained his social rank, and the plentiful reward which Allah has prepared for him. The following are some of the sayings which have been reported on his authority: 
A. He, peace be on him, said: "The scholar of whose knowledge (people) make use is better than seventy thousand worshipers.
( Jami' Bayan al-Ilm wa Fadlah, vol. 1, p. 32)
B. He, peace be on him, said: "Whoever teaches a door of guidance, will have the same reward of those who put it into practice. Nothing of the rewards of those (who put guidance into practice) will be decreased. Whoever teaches a door of error, will have the same burdens of those who put in into effect. Nothing of the burdens of those (who put error into effect) will be decreased.

(Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 34)
C. He, peace be on him, said: "The servant who goes early in the morning to seek knowledge goes into mercy thoroughly.

(Nasikh al-Tawarikh, vol. 2, p. 205)

3. Associating with Scholars and the Pious
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, urged Moslems to associate with scholars and the pious to make use of their guidance and behavior. He, peace be on him, said: "Indeed association with him whom I trust is more reliable with me than a year's work.
( Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 34)

4. Discussing Knowledge
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, summoned Moslems to discuss knowledge with each other, for that opens new doors to knowledge and science. He, peace be on him, said: "Discussing knowledge is studying, and studying is a good prayer.
( Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 41)

5. Rules for the Student
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, suggested wonderful rules for the student. He, peace be on him, said: "When you sit with a scholar, then listen to him more than speaking to him. Learn good listening as you learn good speech. Do not interrupt (the scholar) while he is busy talking.
(Nasikh al-Tawarikh, vol. 2, p. 205)

6. Proclaiming Knowledge
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, summoned scholars to proclaim and spread knowledge. So, no one will be ignorant. He, peace be on him, said: "The zakat (alms) of knowledge is that you teach it to the servants of Allah.
( Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 41)
He, peace be on him, also said: "Whoever learns knowledge will have the same reward of him who teaches it, and will be better than him. Learn knowledge from scholars. Then teach it to your brothers as the scholars have taught it to you.(Nasikh al-Tawarikh, vol. 2, p. 205)

7. The Ima`m urged Moslems to learn
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, urged Moslems to learn (knowledge) and to ask scholars about it. He, peace be on him, said: "Knowledge is a treasure and the key is the question. Then, may Allah have mercy on you, ask (scholars). Indeed four persons will be rewarded out of knowledge: the questioner, the speaker, the listener, and the one who loves them.
(Al-Khisal, p. 223)

8. Understanding the Religion
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, summoned Moslems to understand deeply the religion and to know the lawful and the unlawful. He, peace be on him, said: "All perfection is in understanding deeply the religion, patience towards misfortune, and taking livelihood into account.
(. Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 32) 
Surely, understanding the religion deeply maintains man's balance and behavior. It prevents man from committing ugly things. In the mean time it prevents him from deviating from the religion.

9. Putting Knowledge into effect
Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, urged scholars to put their knowledge into practice. He, peace be on him, said: "When you hear knowledge, then put it into effect. Let your hearts be wide. For the person with the heart that does not encompass his abundant knowledge makes Satan powerful over him. If Satan disputed with you, then dispute with him through what you know. 
Surely, the deception of Satan is weak."Ibn Abu` Layla asked him: "What is the thing which we know?"So, he, peace be on him, replied: "Dispute with Satan through the manifest strength of Allah, the Great and Almighty.

10. Action coupled with knowing Allah is accepted
Knowing Allah is a condition in accepting an act. So, the one who acts and does not know Allah nor does he know the duty which he performs, then his action is useless. Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, said: "No act is accepted except through knowing (Allah). No knowledge (of Allah) is accepted except through an act. Whoever knows (Allah) his knowledge leads him to the act. He who does not know (Allah), his action is invalid.
(Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 294)

11. The Ima`m dispraised Boasting of Seeking Knowledge.
Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, dispraised those who boasted of seeking knowledge. He urged the scholars to do their best to seek nearness to Allah and to wish for the hereafter through seeking knowledge. He, peace be on him, said: "He who seeks knowledge to vie with the scholars for glory or to dispute with the foolish or to know the prominent figures, then he shall occupy his place in the Fire. Indeed leadership is inappropriate for anyone except those who are appropriate for it.
(Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 47)
Surely, these corrupt ambitions invalidate the reward which Allah has prepared for the religious scholar, who is the propagator of Allah in the earth. Therefore, if the religious scholar wants success in this world and happiness in the next world, then he should seek knowledge to please Allah.

12. Giving Religious Opinions without Knowledge
Several traditions on giving religious opinions without knowledge were reported on the authority of Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, for such opinions mislead people. The following are some of them: 
A. Ima`m al-Ba`qir, peace be on him, said: "Whoever gives people religious opinions without having knowledge and guidance, the angels of the Merciful (Allah) and the angels of torment will curse him, and he will shoulder the sins of those who put his religious opinions into effect.

(Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 42)
B. He, peace be on him, said: "Say what you know. When you do not know, say: Allah knows best. If the person singles out a verse from the Koran (to misinterpret it), he falls down as far as the sky is from the earth.
(Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 42) 

C. Zara`ra asked Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him: "What is Allah's right against the servants?"The Ima`m, peace be on him, replied: "They should say what they know and refrain from saying what they do not know.
(Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 42)

D. He, peace be on him, said: "If the scholar is asked about a certain thing and he does not know that thing, he should say: Allah knows more. Other than the scholar has no right to say that.
(Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 297)

13. The Qualities of the Scholar
In many of his traditions, Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, talked about the qualities of scholars. The following are some of them: 
A. He, peace be on him, said: "The servant who envies those who are superior to him and scorns those who are inferior to him is not a scholar.
(Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 294)

Indeed the servant is a scholar when his soul is free from envy, which is among the greatest psychological catastrophes. It is envy that throws people into the tribulation, for it brings about misfortunes. However, the servant is not a scholar when he scorns those who are inferior to him. 
This means that he does not make use of knowledge, which summons him to respect people and treat them with high morals. Surely, the Prophet, may Allah bless him, was sent to complete high moral standards. So, when the scholar follows bad manners, he deviates from the laws and morals of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family. 
B. He, peace be on him, said: "The true jurist is he who renounces this world, wishes for the hereafter, and cleaves to the sunna (practices) of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and his family.
( Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 70)

C. He, peace be on him, said: "If you see the scholar love the rich, then he loves (the life in) the world. If you see him associate with the Sultan (ruler) without a necessity, then he is a thief.
(Abi Zahra, al-Imam al-Sadiq, p. 24)

When the scholar loves the rich, he wishes for their properties and to make use of them. This is not among the morals of the scholars whom Allah has commanded to wish for what He has, not for what the others have. As for association with the Sultan without a necessity, it proves that the scholar is not true and that he is a thief, as the Ima`m said. Mahmu`d al-Warraq satirized the religious scholars who made friends with the Sultan, saying: 
They rode their horses and went in groups to the Caliph's house. 
They arrived there in the early morning and stayed till evening to obtain high ranks. 
When they got the nice condition they requested, 
(When) the Caliph became glad with what the leaf contained, 
(When) they harmed those who were inferior to them through oppression and violent conduct, 
they broke the Caliph's promise through the 
oppression of fearful ways. 
They sold truthfulness for treason and bought carrion for safety. 
They hoard fat and weakened those absurd deposits. 
The graves of the people became narrow. And their high palaces became wide. 
From the possessors of politeness,knowledge, and wise opinions 
to the analogy of Abu` Hanifa are in agreement on the gathering of the tradition. 
When the fascinating world charms a person, the person does not make use of knowledge.
( Jami' Bayan al-Ilm wa Fadla, vol. 1, p. 201)

He forgets Allah and takes shelter in the world through weak means. 
Abu` al-'Atahiya also satirized them: 
They looked for the vanities of the world 
and forgot the grandson of the Prophet.
( Jami' Bayan al-Ilm wa Fadla, vol. 1, p. 201)

With this we end our talk about the traditions reported on the authority of the Ima`m, peace be on him. They concern the virtue of knowledge. They praise scholars. Moreover, they are about the high moral standards which scholars should follow to be an example to the community.