Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)

Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

(Sofoor) Unveil is the Cause of the Breaking of the Marriage

hijab is muslim womens choice

(Sofoor) Unveil is the Cause of the Breaking of the Marriage
Treason or treachery.  Marriage problems are increasing, day-by-day;  the numbers and statistics are doubling and tripling.  In many instances the husband is the reason for this disastrous breakage, treason or treachery, because he, for instance, was taking her to parties or deviated gatherings, cinemas and theatres.  There, at that place, she will be introduced to “foreign men”… or (maybe) the husband invites men to his house and introduces them to his wife, and of course, she has to come with a smile, a hand shake, a welcome…then she has to offer fruits, cakes, tea or coffee… as if she is very close to them.
Then days pass and suddenly, with great surprise he realizes that his wife has a sexual relationship with one of his “best friends” or a certain man that he invited on that day.
Then like a volcano ready to erupt, he explodes in his wife’s face, whereas in true reality he is the reason, he is the cause for this disastrous incident.  He is the one that lead his wife to this black shame and he is the one that paved the way for this crime.

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