Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)

Sipah e Mehdi (a.t.f.s.)
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Heart rending event
This event has been recorded by Ibn Saad in his voluminous Tabakat. As the caravan of prisoners was advancing its way to Yazid’s (L.A) court it passed by a mosque where an old man was reading the Holy Quran. Hearing noise and commotion this very old man with a hunched back emerged from the mosque and inquired about the identity of the prisoners.
He was informed that the captives belonged to people who had rebelled against the ruling king. The old man approached the head of the prisoners; a man whose neck was bent down due to the heavy weight of iron chains. His hands and feet were clad in chains too.
The old man said:
“All praise to Allah who has disgraced you. You had rebelled against the king.” Our fourth Imam: Imam Zain ul aabedeen (A.S) on hearing these words raised his head and asked: “Do you recite Quran?” The old man replied “Yes just now I was reading it in the mosque!”
Our Imam asked; Have you read the ayat of Mawadda from Surah Shura:
“I do not ask you any returns for it but love for my near relatives.” 42:23The old man said “Yes”.
“Have you read ayat e tatheer in Surah Ahzab?”
Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the house! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying.”  33:33 The old man replied “Yes!”
“Have you read Ayat e Mubahila?” 3:61
The old man exclaimed: “Yes! But what do you have to do with these verses? These are verses related toAale Muhammad!
Our Holy Imam replied: “By Allah, we are Aale Muhammad!”
The old man became agitated and disturbed.
“What is your name?”
Whose son are you?
I am the son of Hussein. My father is the son of Fatema whose head you see on top of that spear.
The old man cried out in anguish! He fell at the feet of our fourth Imam begging forgiveness. Imam asked him to rise.
The old man lamented: “What an upheaval! The beloved son of the Prophet has been killed.”
The old man inquired: “O son of Prophet! Who are those ladies on the camels?
The Imam said: “Those are the daughters of the Apostle.”
The old man implored: “O son of Prophet! I am too old to fight. Please permit me to lie down in front of the camels so they pass over me, crushing me. On the day of judgement I can say to the Prophet: “Ya Rasul Allah! i could not bear seeing your granddaughters without Hijab!”

Heart rending event
This event has been recorded by Ibn Saad in his voluminous Tabakat. As the caravan of prisoners was advancing its way to Yazid’s (L.A) court it passed by a mosque where an old man was reading the Holy Quran. Hearing noise and commotion this very old man with a hunched back emerged from the mosque and inquired about the identity of the prisoners.
He was informed that the captives belonged to people who had rebelled against the ruling king. The old man approached the head of the prisoners; a man whose neck was bent down due to the heavy weight of iron chains. His hands and feet were clad in chains too.
The old man said:
“All praise to Allah who has disgraced you. You had rebelled against the king.” Our fourth Imam: Imam Zain ul aabedeen (A.S) on hearing these words raised his head and asked: “Do you recite Quran?” The old man replied “Yes just now I was reading it in the mosque!”
Our Imam asked; Have you read the ayat of Mawadda from Surah Shura:
“I do not ask you any returns for it but love for my near relatives.” 42:23The old man said “Yes”.
“Have you read ayat e tatheer in Surah Ahzab?”
Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the house! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying.”  33:33 The old man replied “Yes!”
“Have you read Ayat e Mubahila?” 3:61
The old man exclaimed: “Yes! But what do you have to do with these verses? These are verses related toAale Muhammad!
Our Holy Imam replied: “By Allah, we are Aale Muhammad!”
The old man became agitated and disturbed.
“What is your name?”
Whose son are you?
I am the son of Hussein. My father is the son of Fatema whose head you see on top of that spear.
The old man cried out in anguish! He fell at the feet of our fourth Imam begging forgiveness. Imam asked him to rise.
The old man lamented: “What an upheaval! The beloved son of the Prophet has been killed.”
The old man inquired: “O son of Prophet! Who are those ladies on the camels?
The Imam said: “Those are the daughters of the Apostle.”
The old man implored: “O son of Prophet! I am too old to fight. Please permit me to lie down in front of the camels so they pass over me, crushing me. On the day of judgement I can say to the Prophet: “Ya Rasul Allah! i could not bear seeing your granddaughters without Hijab!”

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